2022 LA Real Estate Challenge

Thursday, November 17, 2022 (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (PST)


Join us Thursday, November 17th 2022, for the 25th Anniversary of the LA Real Estate Challenge as students teams from the Ziman Center of Real Estate at UCLA’s Anderson School of Business and the Lusk Center at USC’s Marshall School of Business and Price School of Public Policy meet in a head-to-head competition to determine the highest and best use for a unique parcel of land in Southern California. 

The 2022 NAIOP Challenge Project is an exciting opportunity involving a 20.87-acre site located in Carson, CA. Prologis acquired the site in 2014 and now seeks to explore options for its redevelopment. After six weeks of preparation, the students will present their proposals to the owner, our panel of judges and our audience. The winner will be selected on who best created and presented the most feasible and financially rewarding redevelopment plan.

To add to the excitement, both school's are tied 12 -12! Who will bring home the silver shovel?

Student teams from the Ziman Center at UCLA’s Anderson School of Business and the Lusk Center at USC’s Marshall School of Business and Price School of Public Policy will compete head-to-head in a real estate challenge on the highest and best use for a proposed site.  Potential issues to be addressed may include financial issues, sustainable development and community impact. See the video below for more info.

Sponsorship Opportunities:
Show your support for the schools and gain prominent exposure for your firm at the same time!  With a database of 2,000+ and over 300 industry movers and shakers in attendance, the Real Estate Challenge provides significant promotional opportunities for sponsors both prior to and during the event, as well as tickets to attend.  As a sponsor, you will be supporting an important academic event that showcases the talents and creativity of the next generation of real estate leadership.

Click Here to View Sponsorship Opportunities

UCLA Campus
Event Contact
Becky Ezell
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Thursday, November 17, 2022 (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (PST)
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