Legislative Update

Legislative Update
Vote No on Split Roll and the Highest Tax Increase in California History
There is no higher priority for your NAIOP SoCal Legislative Affairs Committee and Political Action Committees than to defeat Proposition 15, the State-wide Split Roll ballot measure on this November 3, 2020 ballot. Between now and election day NAIOP SoCal will join the other California NAIOP chapters, the California Business Properties Association and an incredible number of business and labor organizations, veteran groups and many other Coalition Members to defeat Split Roll. (Click Here for list of Coalition Members)
The NAIOP SoCal Grass Roots Action Plan is being introduced in this E-News and will be posted on the NAIOP SoCal website at the Legislative Update red box on the top right corner of the home page. (Click here for the Legislative Update) We will also be communicating with members with reminders on action items as we move toward election day.
The value and importance of every NAIOP member’s participation cannot be overstated. Everyone’s involvement is critical. Not only your one vote is important, but all of the other votes you can influence to vote are important and will make up the NAIOP SoCal Grass Roots GOTV (Get Out The Vote) effort.
It takes millions of dollars to run a State-wide campaign on TV, social media, newspapers, news outlets and, of course, directly to the voters in their homes. Normally, direct mail to likely voters is be a big part of a campaign. However, this year is different. EVERY registered voter will receive a mail-in ballot, but it is impossible to reach every household by direct mail to educate them about Split Roll and why it is bad for them and for California. That is why Grass Roots Get Out The Vote campaigns are so critical and very important.
Not every registered voter is as knowledgeable as we are about Split Roll, but they will listen to someone they respect when information is provided. That is why we will be asking you to reach out to your family members, business colleagues, employees – everyone on your contact list to help educate them. We will provide you with the tools to do this quickly and easily.
NAIOP SoCal Grass Roots Action Plan – Count-down to Election Day!
September 1 – October 1
Prepare – Ballots are mailed out on October 5, 2020!
Donate to the Campaign to Defeat Split Roll
You have received a letter from NAIOP SoCal Presidents (Click Here to Read), asking for you to contribute to the No on Prop 15 campaign effort. Now is the time! Every contribution counts no matter what amount.
Register to Vote
If you are not registered, NOW is the time! It is also the time to encourage family, business associates, and friends to register to vote. It is easy and you can register to vote up until election day! But, please do not wait. Register now so that you will receive a Vote by Mail ballot and the voter information guide outlining what is on the ballot.
Links to the Secretary of State website Register to Vote. (Click Here)
Click Here to see if you are registered to vote.
Be Informed and Help Provide Information to Others
You can communicate with and inform your employees, stockholders and their families about the effect of state legislation, regulations and ballot measures on the company, its employees and stockholders. The California Chamber of Commerce has produced a Guide for Communications to Employees (Click Here to Read) that is a quick and easy reference. Please be sure to follow these guidelines.
As excellent communication examples, the following NAIOP SoCal Annual Sponsor companies have prepared information on Split Roll that they are sharing.
Voit Real Estate Services Split Roll Part I
Voit Real Estate Services Split Roll Part II
Additionally, the campaign has an incredible amount of prepared information that you can use as a resource: https://noonprop15.org/. In addition to the following information, specific white papers are available that outline the many, many flaws of the proposition as well as information on preparing Social Media Videos, spread the word.
Prop 15 Power Point Presentation
Prop 15 Read it for Yourself
It is time to communicate with all of your contacts. NAIOP will provide you with sample communications on the NAIOP SoCal website and by email to share with your contacts.
We can defeat Split Roll, but it will take all of us working together. Thank you for doing your part to protect the future of commercial real estate in California.
Watch for the NAIOP SoCal Voter Guide
We are here to work with you to protect your commercial real estate investments!